How to Configure Custom Domain Name (DNS) to Azure Web App
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create an ASP.NET Core MVC Application and Publish to Azure
• Create/Purchase a Custom Domain from a Custom Domain Provider
• Configure Custom Domain on Azure
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
How to Publish ASP.NET Core App to Azure through FTP
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create an ASP.NET Core MVC Application
• Create an App Service Plan
• Create an App Service
• Publish the App using the Folder option
• Publish the code to Azure through FTP Client
• Publish the code to Azure through FTP Deployment
• Use FTP to mod
How to Publish ASP.NET Core RESTful API to Azure
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create a SQL Database
• Create a .Net Core RESTful API
• Deploy REST API to Azure
• Test REST API using Postman
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
You can find all my Azure/.Net tutorials here and here.
How to add Content Delivery Network (CDN) to Azure Web App
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create an ASP.NET Web Application and publish to Azure
• Configure CDN endpoint to this Web Site
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
You can find all my Azure/.Net tutorials here and here.
How to Host a Static Website in Azure Storage
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create a Storage Account
• Configure Storage Account
• Upload files to the Container
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
You can find all my Azure/.Net tutorials here and here.
How to Upload and Download Files Pragmatically to Azure Blob Storage using VB.Net
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Connect to Azure Storage
• List files/folders (CloudBlockBlob/CloudBlobDirectory) within an Azure File Storage
• Create a Shared Access Signature for a Blob
• Obtain Blob properties
• Read content from a Blob
• Write content to a Blob
• Upload a Bl
Azure File Storage Overview
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create a Resource Group
• Create a Storage Account
• Create a Container inside Blob Storage
• Upload Blobs to the Container
• Generate SAS from Azure Portal
• Use of Windows Azure Storage Explorer
• Generate SAS from Widows Azure Storage Explorer
How to Publish ASP.NET Core MVC/Web API application to Azure and Consume it using jQuery
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create a SQL Database
• Create a .Net Core Web API App and .Net Core Web App
• Deploy Web API to Azure
• Deploy Web App to Azure
• Consume the Web API using jQuery
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
Azure PowerShell Overview
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Find out which PowerShell version is available on Local Machine
• Install/Upgrade PowerShell on Local Machine
• PowerShell Scripts
• PowerShell ISE
• Cloud Shell
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
How to Publish ASP.NET Core MVC Web application to Azure
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create an ASP.NET Core MVC Application
• Create an App Service Plan
• Create an App Service
• Publish the code to Azure
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
You can find all my Azure/.Net tutorials here and here.
ASP.NET Core MVC Web Application CRUD operations using Azure Cosmos DB
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create an Azure Cosmos DB Account
• Create an Azure Cosmos DB
• Add a Container to the Cosmos DB
• Create an ASP.NET Core MVC Application
• Add Azure Cosmos DB NuGet package to the Project
• Set up the code for ASP.NET Core MVC application for CRUD
Create an Azure Cosmos DB using MongoDB API
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create an Azure Cosmos DB/MongoDB API
• Add data to the Azure Cosmos DB
• Query Azure Cosmos DB through Data Explorer
• Query Azure Cosmos DB through MongoDB Shell
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
Create an Azure Cosmos DB using SQL API
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create an Azure Cosmos DB/SQL API
• Add data to the Azure Cosmos DB
• Query Azure Cosmos DB
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
You can find all my Azure/.Net tutorials here and here.
Azure SQL Server Dynamic Data Masking
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Setting up Dynamic Data Masking
• Create different SQL Users to test out Dynamic Data Masking
• Test Dynamic Data Masking using different logins
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
Azure SQL Server Database Failover Groups
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create a Failover Group
• Testing Failover End Points through SQL Server Management
• Testing Failover End Points through Command Prompt
• Make a Failover
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
Azure SQL Server Database Export and Import Overview
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Export Azure Database through Azure Portal
• Export Azure Database through SQL Server Management
• Import Azure Database backup file through Azure Portal
• Import Azure Database backup file through SQL Server Management
You can find the PDF version o
Enabling Geo Replication on Azure SQL Server Database
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Enable Geo Replication
• Test out Geo Replication
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
You can find all my Azure/.Net tutorials here and here.
Connecting to Azure SQL Database
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Connect to SQL Server Database through Query Editor on Azure Portal
• Configure Firewall Rules
• Run SQL Queries on Query Editor
• Connect to SQL Database through SQL Server Management Studio
• Add Virtual Network to SQL Server Firewall Rules
• Set
SQL query to lists all Users in a SQL Database, with their Rights
This query lists all Users in a SQL Database, with their Rights:
--1) List all access provisioned to a SQL user or Windows user/group directly
[UserType] = CASE princ.[type]
WHEN 'U' THEN 'Windows User'
WHEN 'G' THEN 'Windows Group'
[DatabaseUserName] = p
Create an Azure SQL Server Database
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create a Resource Group
• Create a SQL Database Server
• Create a SQL Database
• Deploy SQL Database to the SQL Database Server
You can find the PDF version of this tutorial here.
Associate additional Network Interface(NIC) and Public IP(PIP) to Azure Virtual Machine
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
• Create new Resource Group
• Create a Virtual Network and associate it with Resource Group
• Add Subnet to Virtual Network
• Add Virtual Machine to the Virtual Network
• Associate multiple NICs and PIPs to a Virtual Machine
• Remote in to a Virtual M
SQL SERVER - Find Column Used in Stored Procedure
When there is a requirement to search a column reference or text reference inside a SQL Server database, we can use below SQL.
Azure Network Services
In this tutorial I’m going to show how to:
· Create new Resource Group
· Create a Virtual Network and associate it with Resource Group
· Add Subnet to Virtual Network
· Add Virtual Machines to the Virtual Network
· Remote in to a Virtual Machine
At the e
How to see query history in SQL Server Management Studio/Azure
Bellow sql's will return you the history of queries you have executed in your SQL Server database.
Web.config File Transformations
Hello everyone,
In this tutorial I'm going to show how to automate of changing web.config file when it get deployed to different destination.
Power shell script to rename all files and folders to lowercase in a directory
Only Folders
$items = get-childitem \\n013\group\Public\InfoCentre\Data -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq 1} | sort fullname -descending
foreach ($item in $items)
if ($ -eq $
$temp = $item.FullName.ToLower() + "_"
$name = $item.FullName.ToLowe
Azure File Storage Tutorial using VB.Net
Hello Everyone,
This is the 2nd part of the Azure File Storage Tutorial. You can find the Part 1 here.
Azure File Storage Tutorial
Hello Everyone,
This Azure tutorial consists of 2 parts:
Part 1 - Azure File Storage Tutorial
Part 2 - Azure File Storage Tutorial using VB.Net
This is the Part 1 of the tutorial and in this tutorial we are going to discuss about bellow topics.
ASP.NET Core MVC CRUD operations Using Entity Framework | Push to GIT | Publish to Azure
In this article, I am going to show you how to build CRUD Operations MVC web application using Entity Framework.
ASP.NET Core CRUD operations Using MVC | WEB API | Angular 7 | Entity Framework
Hi All, it's been a while since I wrote my last blog post.
In this article, I will show you how to build a JQuery/AJAX enabled ASP.NET MVC application.
In this demo example, I have a web page with a button and once user click the button, data is retrieved from SQL Server database using JQuery/AJAX calls and displayed on a table.
NHibernate - CRUD Functionality using ISession/ISessionFactory
In my previous blog post I explained how to get NHibernate configured and get it working. In this I’m going to show how to create a NHibernate session factory and using that factory, how to get the CRUD functionality done.
Getting started with NHibernate
NHibernate is an object-relational mapping (ORM) solution for the Microsoft .NET platform. NHibernate's primary feature is mapping from .NET classes to database tables. NHibernate also provides data query and retrieval facilities.
1. First you need to download Nhibernate.
Introduction to AngularJS
AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework, maintained by Google that assists with running single-page applications.
• Create web applications with Model-View-Whatever (MVW) capability.
• So it makes both development and testing easier.
Retrieve Data from the Database using jQuery/Ajax/JSon in ASP.Net
How to retrieve data from the database using jQuery/Ajax/JSon In ASP.Net
Hi Everyone,
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to retrieve data from SQL Server database using jQuery/Ajax/JSon on ASP.Net
Also in this example I have demonstrated how to use a splash screen(loading screen), until t
How to handle blocked Clipboard - Clipboard.Clear() Error
How to handle blocked Clipboard
Exception : The Clipboard could not be cleared.
This typically occurs when the Clipboard is being used by another process.
Solution for this is, retry the clear() again after a delay.
Excel 2010 VSTO Tutorial – .Net C#
Here are some code pieces which is helpful in VSTO development.
3MaxLength on a TextArea
Setting MaxLength on a TextArea
onkeypress="return ImposeMaxLength(this, 255);"
onkeyup="return ImposeMaxLengthByCopyPaste(this, 255);
JavaScript Code
function ImposeMaxLength(obj, length)
// max length validation for text area
return (obj.value.length < length);
Reset an ASP.Net Validation Control via JavaScript
Resetting an ASP.Net Validation Control via JavaScript
function clearValidationMessages()
// clear validator control validation messages
if (typeof (Page_Validators) != "undefined")
for (var i = 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++)
var validator = Page_Validators[i];
HOWTO set up a MySQL Cluster on Three Servers (Ubuntu 9)
MySQL Cluster Installation/Configuring Guide
MySQL Cluster Background Information
1. What is MySQL Cluster?
MySQL Cluster is a real-time open source transactional database designed for fast, always-on access to data under high throughput conditions.
May 19th, 2009
Configuring PgPool
Table Of Content
0.0 Getting Started
1.0 Installing PgPool
2.0 Copying PgPool Files
3.0 Configuring PgPool Files
4.0 Configuring PostGres Files
5.0 Assigning a password to user ‘posrgres’
6.0 Real Time Test
0.0 Getting Started
PostgreSQL is properly configu
I Me & My Self... :)
Hi... I'm Patrick Sameera Jayalath!!
Working as a Software Engineer @ AdeLanka Colombo - Sri Lanka. I have 4+ years experience in IT field as a IT professional.
I Completed my B.Sc. in 2006. That is B.Sc. Communication and Information Technology awarded by Edith Cowan University Perth Australia.